20 Happenings: A Powerful Way to Do Year-End Reflections

20 Happenings: A Powerful Way to Do Year-End Reflections

As we approach the end of the year, it's valuable to take a moment to reflect on our achievements and the things that brought us joy. Many people don't take the time to appreciate their successes or savor their joyful moments because they're too focused on their next task or goal, or because they're caught up in their worries. But regularly feeling gratitude…

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What is the Price of Admission for a Meaningful Relationship?

What is the Price of Admission for a Meaningful Relationship?

“Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.” - Susan David, PhD. I shared this quote early on, at a recent relationship retreat that I taught. Because what most gets in the way of meaningful and connected relationships? Fear. Shame. Embarrassment. Sadness….

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3 Career Strengths That are Detrimental in Your Marriage

3 Career Strengths That are Detrimental in Your Marriage

You excel in your career because you are logical, focused, and decisive in your leadership. But these strengths in business can create friction and resentment at home. Reflecting on these strengths through the lens of relationship distress, though, can give you a new framework to empathize with your partner and avoid these common pitfalls.

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3 Keys to Thriving Intimacy in Your Marriage

3 Keys to Thriving Intimacy in Your Marriage

Are you able to accept change? Intimacy, whether in the form of emotional closeness or sexual connection, changes throughout a long-term relationship. Shifts in your intimate connections are inevitable, because: Priorities change. Families change. Jobs change. Needs change. Hormones change. Bodies change….

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Mindful Intimacy is a Vital Part of Empowered Relationships

Mindful Intimacy is a Vital Part of Empowered Relationships

I recently sat down and had a deep dive conversation about mindful intimacy, especially for women, with my colleague Jessica Higgins. She describes our conversation, which is Episode #334 of her Empowered Relationship podcast, in the following way: “Every one of us struggles with something that impacts our relationships. We were raised to believe that whatever we struggle with—be it self-worth, emotions, or body image—is a flaw.

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(Trying to) Feel Sexy Again at 48 - New Personal Podcast

(Trying to) Feel Sexy Again at 48 - New Personal Podcast

I am a sociologist and sex expert. And last August, as a single woman at age 48, I realized I had lost my mojo. So I challenged myself to try to find my sexiness again (or reinvent it?!). I recorded my thoughts and happenings over a 7-day time period…and turned it into this vulnerable, raw, and humorous story-telling podcast

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