Love Land - My Visit to an erotic sculpture park on Jeju Island in Korea

Love Land - My Visit to an erotic sculpture park on Jeju Island in Korea

Two weeks ago, I visited South Korea, and specifically Jeju Island. Jeju Island has been known over the years to Koreans as a “honeymoon island,” with its beaches, old volcanos, and resort areas. I was delighted to discover that there was also a place called Love Land, an erotic sculpture museum!

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Old MacDonald Had a SEXY Farm!

Old MacDonald Had a SEXY Farm!

Oh, I had a lot of fun writing the lyrics to Old MacDonald Had a Sexy Farm and rehearsing it the past few months! And as you’ll see, I had trouble not laughing while I recorded this! If Old MacDonald had a sexy, sex-positive (and maybe even kinky) farm, what kinds of things might he have on his farm?!

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Diddle Diddle Little Clit

Diddle Diddle Little Clit

This is an ode to personal sexual pleasure and when a female finds and appreciates her clitoris for the first time! AND...this is what you get after Dr. Jenn spends 10+ weeks of sheltering-in-place alone, with only 7 weeks of ever playing a ukulele!

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