October Den E-Newsletter

What does October bring? Horrors for sure! The fun kind for Halloween and the dangerous kind when it comes to breast cancer awareness. I discuss the "pinkwashing" of America during October, my lastest TEDx Talk, recent appearances on the San Diego Living, and upcoming talks with the San Diego Opera and Women's Health Conversations in Pittsburgh. Below is the beginning portion of the newsletter.


 ~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sexuality Speaker, Sociologist

Sexual Health Game Show on Channel 6

What are the health benefits of sex? What does the research suggest in terms of how sex is related to breast cancer, cardiovascular fitness, menopause symtoms, the immue system, and prostate cancer? Find out in this game show style sexual health segment on Wake Up San Diego, Channel 6.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sociologist, Sexuality Speaker

Dancing 12 Foot Bra for Breast Health & Breast Cancer Awareness

WARNING: Dancing 12 foot bra, ridiculous singing, and disturbing statistics! Something to make you think (or cringe or laugh) this October/November for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Also ideas to prioritize your breast health and your "breast" friends.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sexologist, Sociologist, Sexuality Speaker

Halloween, Breast Cancer, & Love Your Body Day - What do they have in Common?

What do breast cancer awareness, Love Your Body Day, and Halloween have in common? Besides the fact that they are all centered around the month of October, they all also have a lot to do with women’s bodies. I think that raising awareness about what we think - personally and societally - about women's bodies is valuable for improving social consciousness.

Concern for breast cancer has spawned a huge movement around education, awareness, and fund raising. The concern over breast cancer is laudable, however the emphasis on women's breasts may bridge from concern to titillation. T-shirt slogans like "Save 2nd Base" or "Save the Tatas" attempt to bring levity to this disease by way of our cultural obsession with women's body parts.

Now moving to Halloween, which, as a costume-lover, is one of my favorite days of the year! It has exploded in the United States as a top adult holiday, with a heavy focus on sexy costumes for women. It seems that many girls and women use Halloween as an excuse to be blatantly sexual in appearance. I think it is fun and important that women feel permission and flexibility around their sexual expression. So often women are criticized if they "own" their sexuality, under their own terms. However, the Halloween emphasis on women presenting themselves as sexy objects generally isn't about sexual expression, but about appearing sexy to feel valuable.
Getting attention does feel good, but at what cost?

Does this concern and emphasis on women's bodies benefit women? Love Your Body Day was October 19, and is a national day to raise awareness around the depiction and representation of women's bodies in media. Love Your Body Day brings attention to the rate of eating disorders, the airbrushing that creates impossible standards in model images, and the fact that 80% of women are unhappy with their appearance when they look in the mirror. With so many media messages inform women that they should spend time and money purchasing products to be younger, prettier, thinner, or sexier, I'm surprised this percentage isn't higher.

So this October there is a lot to consider regarding women's bodies! Where do you stand regarding your appreciation and love for your own body? If you're looking for a boost in that area, check out one of my 
 recent blogs on body image that might help you out with your self lovin'.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, Sex Therapy, Marriage Counseling, College Sex Education Speaker -- San Diego, CA

20% off Sex Toys this October - Fun Factory joins Citygirlblogs to Support Pink Jams

Do you want to save 20% on quality sex toys while supporting breast cancer awareness? Two of my favorite entities have joined forces this October to support the Pink Jams! nonprofit in Washington, DC. And you can be a part of it!

Stef Woods, the popular sex and dating blogger of CityGirlBlogs, was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 37. She has recently completed her formal cancer treatment program and is actively involved with breast cancer charity events.

Fun Factory has long been one of my favorite sex toy companies, due to their emphasis on quality, safe materials, fun, and women's pleasure.

Together they are supporting Pink Jams!, an organization dedicated to increasing breast cancer awareness and early detection for those under 40 years of age. If you learn of this October collaboration through Stef's blog, work, or outreach (including this blog!) you will receive 20% off your Fun Factory purchase PLUS Fun Factory will donate an additional 20% of your purchase to Pink Jams!

Regarding this collaboration, Stef Woods stated, “Much of the available literature focuses on how cancer will harm your dating and sex life”, Woods said. “However, if a patient values his or her sexual health and there are no medical restrictions to doing so, that patient should be encouraged to prioritize his or her sexual health.”

What better way to spread your love? First to yourself, through purchasing a pleasure device, and second, by donating to a cause about education and compassion. All you have to do is use the code "Citygirl" (with a capital 'C') at Fun Factory to get the discount and make the donation!

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus -- Sex Therapy, Marriage Counseling, & University Sexuality Speaker in San Diego, CA

Stef Woods on Sex Blogging, Breast Cancer, and Women's Health Advocacy

How does someone become a dating and sex blogger?  Dr. Jenn interviews Stef Woods, of citygirlblogs fame, from Washington, DC.  They discuss her unique career path, health concerns, and what women can do to become better health advocates for themselves.

Stef Woods, Blogger & Health Advocate

What was the clinical term for intercourse in the 17th century?