How Your Attachment Style Impacts Sex

How Your Attachment Style Impacts Sex

Our attachment styles indicate how secure, anxious, or avoidant we feel around emotional intimacy in our relationships. This aspect of emotional intimacy and trust around closeness and vulnerability can’t help but impact how we experience sexual connection. Some folks at Kourtney Kardashian’s lifestyle magazine Poosh reached out to interview me….

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The RIGHT Buttons to Push in Your Marriage

The RIGHT Buttons to Push in Your Marriage

I was just in Lyon, France, and one of Lyon’s points of pride is the vital role it played in the resistance movement against the Nazis in WWII. And one of the tools used by the resistance fighters were the Traboules—secret passageways through the winding streets, originally built for the silk workers in the 1500s...

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Sex at the Olympics - Should the athletes have sex?

Sex at the Olympics - Should the athletes have sex?

The Olympic Village is known for its youthful and celebratory energy, but should that include having sex? A journalist at CBS National News reached out to me to inquire whether sex for the Olympic athletes could be harmful or helpful.

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Kissing - Why, Different Kinds, & How to Kiss Better

Kissing - Why, Different Kinds, & How to Kiss Better

Kissing is often how we initially assess sexual chemistry with a new person. And kissing is how we can maintain sensuality and intimacy in a long-term relationship. But over the 16 years of my private coaching practice with individuals and couples, so many times I’ve heard from couples that they don’t kiss anymore. Why?

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Love Land - My Visit to an erotic sculpture park on Jeju Island in Korea

Love Land - My Visit to an erotic sculpture park on Jeju Island in Korea

Two weeks ago, I visited South Korea, and specifically Jeju Island. Jeju Island has been known over the years to Koreans as a “honeymoon island,” with its beaches, old volcanos, and resort areas. I was delighted to discover that there was also a place called Love Land, an erotic sculpture museum!

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